2 Movie Jews
2 Movie Jews
Movies about Video Gaming
Jodi and Yechiel take a deep dive into movies that explore the world of video gaming. No this is not the episode about video game adaptations like Sonic or Super Mario Bros, but an exploration about how cinema depicts the experience of playing video games and how it affects our sense of reality and imagination.
Movies Discussed in this Episode and Where to Find Them:
The Last Starfighter | Amazon
Ready Player One | Amazon
Tetris | Apple+
Free Guy | Disney+
Wreck It Ralph | Disney+
The Wizard | Amazon
War Games | Max
Gran Turismo | Netflix
Tron | Disney+
Tron: Legacy | Disney+
The Matrix | Max
Jumanji | Starz
Jews on Film can be found on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
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Keep Track of Jodie and Yechiel's movie watching and lists
by following Jodi's Letterboxd Yechiel's Letterboxd
Hosted and Produced by: Yechiel Hoffman and Jodi Berman
Technical Advisor: Vlad Kustanovich
Logo Design: Daria Lesnik Hoffman
Musical Theme: Noel Berman