2 Movie Jews
2 Movie Jews
Movies to Brighten Dark Times
In light of global and personal times of darkness, Jodi and Yechiel have always found solace in movie that bring lightness and joy to brighten their lives. This week's episode is dedicated to all those who seek peace and light.
Movies Discussed in this week's episode (and where to find them):
Marcel the Shell | Showtime
School of Rock | Paramount+
Blues Brothers | Amazon
The Princess Bride | Disney+
Singing in the Rain | Max
Bring It On | Amazon
Any Harrry Potter Movie| Max
Luca | Disney+
Guardians of the Galaxy | Disney+
Thor: Ragnorak | Disney+
Deadpool | Disney+
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory | Max
Star Wars | Disney+
Dirty Dancing | Prime
Home alone | Starz
Ferris Bueller's Day Off | Netflix
Jews on Film can be found on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
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Keep Track of Jodie and Yechiel's movie watching and lists
by following Jodi's Letterboxd Yechiel's Letterboxd
Hosted and Produced by: Yechiel Hoffman and Jodi Berman
Technical Advisor: Vlad Kustanovich
Logo Design: Daria Lesnik Hoffman
Musical Theme: Noel Berman