2 Movie Jews
2 Movie Jews
Passover Episode: Movies about Jewish Families
This is the episode to prepare you for the Passover Seder, or at least distract you from cleaning your oven. As Jewish families gather across the nation, Jodi and Yechiel explore movies that depict Jewish families in America. 2022 provide two semi-autobiographical portrayals of Jewish families from legendary filmmakers.
Do these movies provide a nostalgic release or hold a mirror to the complex realities of living Jewishly?
Movies Mentioned in this Episode:
Avalon | Amazon
Fiddler on the Roof | Paramount+
Yentl | HBO Max
Brighton Beach Memoirs | Amazon
Keeping Up With the Steins | Amazon
When do we eat? | Freevee
My Favorite Year | Amazon
13: The Musical | Netflix
The Fabelmans | Amazon
The Chosen | TUBI
Shiva Baby | HBO Max
This is Where I leave You | HBO Max
Liberty Heights | Amazon
Armageddon Time | Amazon
A Serious Man | Amazon
Menashe | Paramount+
Jews on Film can be found on Apple Podcasts and Spotify
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Hosted and Produced by: Yechiel Hoffman and Jodi Berman
Technical Advisor: Vlad Kustanovich
Logo Design: Daria Lesnik Hoffman
Musical Theme: Noel Berman